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Online lending strategy/process provides an opportunity to reduce current call center cost by replacing low producing loan agents without losing origination capacity.


It also introduces a 24/7 origination platform for consumers online. Statistics show online lenders receive 30% of online applications after 6:00 PM and before 8:00 AM. Customer opportunity meets company preparedness.


It can be a used as a retention platform for existing servicers and a low touch option for non-contacted and/or aged leads.


It adds value to an existing realtor/purchase platform with unique value-add strategy for realtors and builders.


Multi-Use Origination





1.  YOU HAVE: Inside loan officer “Call Center”


      WE ADD: Lead coverage during off hours (typically 6 PM to 6 AM). Reduction in Call Center origination staff;  Low producing LO’s can be replaced by the Direct Strategy without reducing origination capacity.


2.   YOU HAVE: Outside loan officers “boots on the ground” developing realtor & other business            channels.

     WE ADD: Direct Strategy gives LO”s advantages in retaining and growing Realtor base with unique realtor benefit strategy. Provides instant pre-approvals.


3.   YOU DONT HAVE: Direct to processing model: The most cost effective model for targeted marketing channels online. Capturing consumers at the purchasing decision and removing any disconnection of searching for rates.Bringing ease and speed while removing cumbersome steps to the loan origination process.

Three pronged origination strategy: Strategic Profiles

Value Add to Existing Retail Origination Strategy

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